Introducing our new Artists Series!

As 2020 comes to a close, we are excited to share that December marks the start of a special collaboration with our favorite artists: the Artist Series. Once a year or so, we will be working with a different artist who will design a special box for one of our products. This first limited edition box will be available for purchase exclusively through our website, Whole Foods Markets, and Sprouts Farmers Markets.
One dollar from every sale of an Artist Series box will go directly toward the non-profit of the artist’s choice. We are thrilled to launch the start of our Artist Series with Avery Orendorf (@averyodesign), a self-taught muralist from Austin, TX.
Avery’s hand-painted and hand-drawn graphics feature bright, bold color combos and repeating patterns that immerse you right into the piece. She has created beautiful murals, fine art, book illustrations, and now a lovely ocean-themed design for our Vitamin C Serum boxes! Thank you, Avery!
Her work has been featured at Women and Their Work Gallery, Art for the People Gallery, Art.Work Austin, SprATX gallery and the Zach Scott Theatre as well as during the annual West Austin Studio Tour and East Austin Studio Tour.
Avery’s non-profit of choice is Oceana, a group committed to protecting the world's oceans through direct policy-oriented and science-based campaigns. Their goal is to increase biodiversity and protect ocean habitats. A deep love and appreciation for the ocean, a commitment to sustainability, and giving back are rooted in Mad Hippie’s core. Oceana aligns with our mission and our hope with the Artist Series is to raise awareness and support for social causes & the environment. We hope you will love these unique boxes as much as we do and we thank you in advance for your generous support - not just for this new series, but always.
Wishing you all a safe & happy holiday season,
The Mad Hippie Team