Autumn in the Garden

“To plant a garden is to believe in tomorrow” - Audrey Hepburn
As the weather cools and the leaves fall, so wanes the typical garden growing season. But while the harvest is in and the last of the summer flowers go to seed, there are still some important projects needed to prep your garden for the colder months to come.
Prune your perennials! But only prune the ones that don’t make new growth on old wood such as daylilies, salvia and coneflowers. Now is the best time to prune trees and bushes as well. When in doubt about what to prune, check! Collect your seeds! Save yourself a fortune by collecting seeds from perennial plants using paper bags. Always label seed packets immediately. Store in a cool, dry place until ready for sowing.
Prep raised beds! Mulch with a layer of compost so those worms can work it in and help ready the beds for Spring planting.
Plant food! For a fall or winter harvest there are still some hardy vegetables you can plant in your veggie garden. Some things that can be planted now are radishes, brussels sprouts, turnips and hardy greens such as collards, kale and some lettuces. Plant flowers! Spring bulbs such as daffodils, tulips, crocus and hyacinths. That early burst of color in your garden is sure to help wipe away the late winter blues. But mostly, relax, breathe and take your time. This is the season to slow down and enjoy it.